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2 posts tagged with "Azure"

Azure Cloud

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OpenTofu: RKE2 Cluster with Cilium on Azure

· 11 min read
Eleni Grosdouli
DevOps Consulting Engineer at Cisco Systems


In a previous post, we covered how to create an RKE2 cluster on Azure Cloud using the cloud-free credits from the Rancher UI. As this is a convenient approach to get started with Rancher, in today's post, we will demonstrate how to use OpenTofu to automate the deployment.

OpenTofu is a fork of Terraform. It is an open-source project, community-driven, and managed by the Linux Foundation. If you want to get familiar with what OpenTofu is and how to get started, check out the link here.

Additionally, we will demonstrate how easy it is to customise the Cilium configuration and enable kube-vip for LoadBalancer services from the HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) definition.

title image reading "OpenTofu Rancher RKE2 Cluster on Azure"

Rancher RKE2 Cluster on Azure

· 9 min read
Eleni Grosdouli
DevOps Consulting Engineer at Cisco Systems


For the last couple of days, I have been working on a new use case installing RKE2 clusters powered with Cilium on Azure Cloud. The requirement at hand was to use a Rancher instance and from there start deploying RKE2 clusters. After going through the official Rancher documentation, I have noticed that the instructions provided to pre-configure Azure Cloud are outdated.

In today's blog post, we will cover all the required steps taken to configure the Azure cloud-free credits to deploy RKE2 clusters with Cilium in that environment. Additionally, we will cover any limitations that come with the free credit concept.

title image reading "Rancher RKE2 Cluster on Azure"